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#xcommand_1 para BEACON

Publicado: Vie Abr 30, 2021 5:49 pm
por Iryna
Buenas tardes,

Desde hace poco estoy utilizando Beacon y he hecho algunos #xcommand que comparto aquí y los iré actualizando.


Código: Seleccionar todo

#xcommand BBODY <oBody> DOC <oMain> ;
          [ WIDTH <cWidth> ] ;
          [ HEIGHT <cHeight> ] ;
          [ DISPLAY <cDisplay> ] ;
          [ FAMFONT <cFont> ] ;
          [ SIZEFONT <nN> ] ;
      => ;
          <oBody>:=TBody():New( ,<oMain>, , ) ;;
          WITH OBJECT <oBody>  ;;
             :SetWidth( [ <cWidth> ] ) ;;
             :SetHeight( [ <cHeight> ] ) ;;
             :SetDisplay( [ <cDisplay> ] ) ;;
             :SetFamFont( [ <cFont> ] ) ;;
             :SetSizeFont( [ <nN> ] ) ;;
#xcommand ACTIVATE <oBody> ;
          [ CLASS <cClass>  ] ;
          [ ID <cId> ] ;
      => ;
         <oBody>:Activate( [<cClass>], [<cId>] )
#xcommand ENDBODY ;
      => ;                         
          :EndBody( .T. )

Código: Seleccionar todo

#xcommand BHEADER <oHeader> OF <oParent> DOC <oMain> ;
          [ COLORS <cText>,<cBack> ] ;
          [ HEIGHT <cHeight> ] ;
          [ WIDTH <cWidth> ] ;
          => ;
          <oHeader>:= THeader():New( , <oMain>, ,  <oParent> )  ;; 
          WITH OBJECT <oHeader> ;;
            [ :SetColor( <cText>,<cBack> ) ];;
            [ :SetHeight( <cHeight> ) ];;
            [ :SetWidth( <cWidth> ) ];;

#xcommand ACTIVATE <oHeader> ;
          [ CLASS <cClass> ] ;
          [ ID <cId> ] ;
       => ;
         <oHeader>:Activate( [<cClass>], [<cId>] )
#xcommand ENDHEADER <oHeader> ;
       => ;                         

Código: Seleccionar todo

#xcommand BDIV <oDiv> OF <oParent> DOC <oMain> ;
          [ CAPTION <cCaption> ] ;
          [ COLORS <cText>,<cBack> ] ;
          [ DISPLAY <cDisplay> ] ;
          [ FAMFONT <cFont> ] ;
          [ FLOAT <cFloat> ] ;
          [ HEIGHT <cHeight> ] ;
          [ KEYSTYLE <cKeyType> , <cKeyStyle>  ] ;
          [ LINEHEIGHT<nHeight> ] ;
          [ MARGIN <cMargin>, <cU> ] ;
          [ MARGINBOTT <nBott> ] ;
          [ MARGINLEFT <nLeft> ] ;
          [ MARGINRIGHT <nRight> ] ;
          [ MARGINTOP <nTop> ] ;
          [ PADDING <cTlbr> ] ;
          [ PADDBOTTOM <nPbott> ] ;
          [ PADDLEFT <nPleft> ] ;
          [ PADDRIGHT <nPright> ] ;
          [ PADDTOP <nPtop> ] ;
          [ POSITION <cPosition> ] ;
          [ SIZEFONT <nN> ] ;
          [ TEXTALIGN <cAlign> ] ;
          [ TOP <cTop> ] ;
          [ WIDTH <cWidth> ] ;
      => ;
          <oDiv>:=TDiv():New( ,<oMain>, ,<oParent> ) ;;
          WITH OBJECT <oDiv> ;;
            [ :SetCaption( <cCaption> ) ];;
            [ :SetColor( <cText>,<cBack> ) ];;
            [ :SetDisplay( <cDisplay> ) ];;
            [ :SetFamFont( <cFont> ) ];;
            [ :SetFloat( <cFloat> ) ];;
            [ :SetHeight( <cHeight> ) ];;
            [ :SetKeyStyles( { {  <cKeyType> , <cKeyStyle>  } } ) ];;
            [ :SetLineHeight( <nHeight> ) ];;
            [ :SetMargin( <cMargin>, <cU> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginBottom( <nBott> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginLeft( <nLeft> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginRight( <nRight> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginTop( <nTop> ) ];;
            [ :SetPadding( <cTlbr> ) ];;
            [ :SetPaddingBottom( <nPbott> ) ];;
            [ :SetPaddingLeft( <nPleft> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPaddingRight( <nPright> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPaddingTop( <nPtop> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPosition( <cPosition> ) ];;
            [ :SetSizeFont( <nN> ) ];;
            [ :SetTextAlign( <cAlign> ) ];;
            [ :SetTop( <cTop> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetWidth( <cWidth> ) ];;
#xcommand ENDDIV <oDiv> ;
      => ;                         

Código: Seleccionar todo

#xcommand BATTRIB <oAtrib> OF <oParent> DOC <oMain> ;
          [ CAPTION <cCaption> ] ;
          [ COLORS <cText>,<cBack> ] ;
          [ CURSOR <cCursor> ] ;
          [ DISPLAY <cDisplay> ] ;
          [ FLOAT <cFloat> ] ;
          [ HEIGHT <cHeight> ] ;
          [ ICONO <cIcon> ] ;
          [ KEYSTYLE <cKeyType> , <cKeyStyle>  ] ;
          [ LINEHEIGHT <nHeight> ] ;
          [ LISTYLE <cStile> ] ;
          [ MARGINBOTT <nBott> ] ;
          [ MARGINLEFT <nLeft> ] ;
          [ MARGINRIGHT <nRight> ] ;
          [ MARGINTOP <nTop> ] ;
          [ PADDING <cTlbr> ] ;
          [ PADDBOTTOM <nPbott> ] ;
          [ PADDLEFT <nPleft> ] ;
          [ PADDRIGHT <nPright> ] ;
          [ PADDTOP <nPtop> ] ;
          [ OVERFLOW <cOverFlow> ] ;
          [ POSITION <cPosition> ] ;
          [ REF <cRef> ] ;
          [ SIZEFONT <nN> ] ;
          [ TEXTALIGN <cAlign> ] ;
          [ TEXTDECO <cDeco> ] ;
          [ WIDTH <cWidth> ] ;
        => ;
         <oAtrib>:= TAAttrib():New( , <oMain>, ,  <oParent> )  ;; 
         WITH OBJECT <oAtrib> ;;
            [ :SetCaption( <cCaption> ) ];;
            [ :SetColor( <cText>,<cBack> ) ];;
            [ :SetCursor( <cCursor> ) ];;
            [ :SetDisplay( <cDisplay> ) ];;
            [ :SetFloat( <cFloat> ) ];;
            [ :SetHeight( <cHeight> ) ];;
            [ :SetHRef( <cRef> ) ];;
            [ :SetImgIcon( <cIcon> ) ];;
            [ :SetKeyStyles( { {  <cKeyType> , <cKeyStyle>  } } ) ];;
            [ :SetLineHeight( <nHeight> ) ];;
            [ :SetListStyle( <cStile> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginBottom( <nBott> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginLeft( <nLeft> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginRight( <nRight> ) ];;
            [ :SetMarginTop( <nTop> ) ];;
            [ :SetPadding( <cTlbr> ) ];;
            [ :SetPaddingBottom( <nPbott> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPaddingLeft( <nPleft> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPaddingRight( <nPright> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetPaddingTop( <nPtop> ) ] ;;
            [ :SetOverFlow( <cOverFlow> ) ];;
            [ :SetPosition( <cPosition> ) ];;
            [ :SetSizeFont( <nN> ) ];;
            [ :SetTextAlign( <cAlign> ) ];;
            [ :SetTextDecoration( .T., <cDeco> )  ];;
            [ :SetWidth( <cWidth> ) ];;
#xcommand ACTIVATE <oAtrib> ;
          [ CLASS <cClass> ] ;
          [ ID <cId> ] ;
      => ;
         <oAtrib>:Activate( [<cClass>], [<cId>] )

Código: Seleccionar todo

#xcommand BFOOTER <oFooter> OF <oParent> DOC <oMain> ;
          [ COLORS <cText>,<cBack> ] ;
          [ DISPLAY <cDisplay> ] ;
          [ FAMFONT <cFont> ] ;
          [ FLOAT <cFloat> ] ;
          [ HEIGHT <cHeight> ] ;
          [ POSITION <cPosition> ] ;
          [ TEXTALIGN <cAlign> ] ;
          [ WIDTH <cWidth> ] ;
      => ;
          <oFooter>:=TFooter():New( ,<oMain>, ,<oParent> ) ;;
          WITH OBJECT <oFooter> ;;
             :SetColor( [ <cText>,<cBack> ] ) ;;
             :SetDisplay( [ <cDisplay> ] ) ;;
             :SetFamFont( [ <cFont> ] ) ;;
             :SetFloat( [ <cFloat> ] ) ;;
             :SetHeight( [ <cHeight> ] ) ;;
             :SetPosition( [ <cPosition> ] ) ;;
             :SetTextAlign( [ <cAlign> ] ) ;;
             :SetWidth( [ <cWidth> ] ) ;;
#xcommand ENDFOOTER  <oFooter> ;
       => ;                         
#xcommand ACTIVATE <oFooter> ;
          [ CLASS <cClass> ] ;
          [ ID <cId> ] ;
       => ;
         <oFooter>:Activate( [<cClass>], [<cId>] )

Re: #xcommand para BEACON

Publicado: Vie Abr 30, 2021 9:51 pm
por Cristobal
Muy bien y muchas gracias Iryna