MinGW - MSVCRT or UCRT runtime library?

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MinGW - MSVCRT or UCRT runtime library?

Mensaje por Baxajaun »

Buenos días !!!

Brecht Sanders ha liberado la versión UCRT de su construcción de MinGW.

MSVCRT or UCRT runtime library?
Traditionally the MinGW-w64 compiler used MSVCRT as runtime library, which is available on all versions of Windows.

Since Windows 10 Universal C Runtime (UCRT) is available as an alternative to MSVCRT. Universal C Runtime can also be installed on earlier versions of Windows (see: Update for Universal C Runtime in Windows ).

Unless you are targetting older versions of Windows, UCRT as runtime library is the better choice, as it was written to better support recent Windows versions as well as provide better standards conformance (see also: Upgrade your code to the Universal CRT).

Para mas información visitar la página de Brecht Sanders.

Muchas gracias.

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Marco Tulio Cicerón.

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Mensajes: 206
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Mensaje por Baxajaun »

Buenos días !

Brecht Sanders lo ha vuelto a actualizar:

GCC 11.2.0 + LLVM/Clang/LLD/LLDB 13.0.0 + MinGW-w64 9.0.0 - UCRT - release 2


Muchas gracias.

“Mi conciencia tiene para mí más peso que la opinión de todo el mundo.”

Marco Tulio Cicerón.
